Leading the conversation

The Men's Health Collective Aotearoa New Zealand

Thought leadership in men's healthcare, wellbeing, and relationships.

Men are better when they connect

Men are better when they connect.We seek to evolve to be better as sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, leaders, and people.Many men want to make, keep, and deepen their friendships. Many men simply haven’t been taught how to do this, or are held back by fear of shame, judgment, or awkwardness.Our interactive online workshop modules are designed to give you food for thought on topics such as:

  • Male identity in the modern world

  • How you are showing up in your relationships

  • The tools you need to better look after yourself and your loved ones, experience less guilt and feel more energised.

You are a Man, so Being ‘Manly’ Means Being YouWhat does it mean to be a man in 2023? There is no guidebook and very few role models on how to exist and express ourselves authentically. This program will explore the complexities of being a man today, exploring questions and providing guidance on building a life that is more authentic, connected, and meaningful - a life our loved ones can be proud of.Let’s Navigate the Maze of Modern Manhood – TogetherThe Men’s Health Collective Aotearoa (MHCA) Modules offer immersive 6-week online experiences tailored to men who are actively trying to uncover their authenticity in the modern world. Honest expression, care-driven communication, and answers to burning questions – you’ll find it all here.We offer a safe, supportive, and empathetic environment that allows you to discover yourself through ways that are rarely available to men.

What we offer

A National Network Across Aotearoa

Facilitating regular connection and community as men redefine what it means to be a man — together.

Subject Matter Experts

Passionate about men’s health, men's wellbeing, and men's relationships.

Thought Leadership

Learning about the psychology of men puts us at the forefront of understanding important topics such as the possible causes of the high male suicide rate, male educational underachievement, and male criminality.

Flagship Program

Our curriculum examines the science of masculinities (what it means to be a man, boyhood, fatherhood, friendships, and relationships) that includes initiation and bespoke wilderness expedition options.

Conversation Leadership

While there is no shortage of contemporary advice on what men should not do or should not be, there is very little consensus on what constitutes a healthy conception of manhood.

Community Development

The Program, when completed, can lead to graduation for participants to become a mentor to other men in their communities.

Group Facilitation

Safe spaces for men to reconnect to themselves, to each other, and have fun and adventure.

Relationship Management

We ensure our busy Flagship Men’s Health Collective program participants hold each other accountable by keeping in touch after the Program finishes.

Developing a new playbook for what it means to be a man.

The Men’s Health Collective Flagship Program Curriculum

The Men's Health Collective Flagship program traverses the following topics facilitated by Sander Sollie, Kristopher Nielsen, and Serafin Upton, in collaboration with leading subject matter experts.

Men's Wellbeing Module


  • Rest

  • Recreation

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • The empathy gap and the utility truck

  • Body image and body shame

  • Responding to injuries of the body and brain (concussion)

  • Functional movement patterns

  • The body-mind connection

  • Strength and conditioning for men

  • Men and going to the doctor

Mental Wellbeing

  • Low mood and what helps

  • The emotions gap, where it comes from, and the impact on mental health

  • Numbing, guilt, shame, and avoidance

  • Gaming, online sex, over-exercising, over-working

  • Misuse of drugs and alcohol

  • The impact of violence and trauma during development

  • Causes of violence in romantic relationships

  • Intimate partner violence and abuse towards men

  • How to seek help

  • Demystifying mental health professionals, mental illness, and therapy


  • Addressing performance-based self-worth

  • The experiences of male friendship and traditional masculinity

  • Connecting with the wilderness and nature

  • Stress management and resilience

  • Healthy confidence and where it comes from

  • Asserting and maintaining boundaries

  • Mastery and flow states

  • Improving performance

The Future of Men and Masculinity

  • Boyhood and fatherhood

  • Male role models (including but not limited to sporting heroes)

  • Masculinity in myths, legends, and advertising

  • Ancestry and genealogy

  • Masculine energy and archetypes

  • Men in peace and in war

Men's Sexuality + Relationships Module

  • Sex

  • Dating

  • Sexual relationships

  • Online sex, pornography, and social media

  • Sex and the media

  • Intimacy, desire, and pleasure

  • Sexual health and safety

  • Sexual response cycles for men and women

  • The emotions gap and relationships

  • Masculinities

  • What’s this about feminism?

  • Communication and assertiveness with men

  • Communication and assertiveness with women

  • Developing and sustaining male friendships

  • Family of origin exploration

Group Facilitation Module

  • Help bring men together and continue the conversations started in the MHCA program in your own community.

  • Get the tools you need, to run safe and fun men’s spaces.

  • The skills you’ll learn in Module 3 will help you create, build, and sustain men’s spaces, meetings, and groups - or just make you a better friend. Whatever you’re into.

  • Gain connection to the network of Men’s Health Collective Aotearoa members.


  • How to effectively run a men’s group including set up and logistics

  • Men’s group dynamics

  • Tools for effective communication

  • Strategies for men’s group safety

  • How to turn conflict into a good conversation

  • How to talk to other men without the fear of judgment

  • How to listen so other men confide in you

  • How to ask the right questions

  • How to go beyond superficial connections that just stay surface-level

Places are limited to 50 men per module to ensure participants get the time and attention they need.Fee per module: $250 NZD.

Who's it for?

  • The lessons, insights, and skills featured in this program apply to men aged 18-80 with a special focus on men aged between 25 and 45 who often have the most responsibilities to navigate.

  • Men seeking to build more connected and constructive relationships with their friends, partners, children, family, and communities will find this program immensely beneficial.

  • This group is open to all adults who identify as men regardless of sex assigned at birth.


  • Each module is 6 weeks in duration.

  • Each module is $250 NZD.

  • All modules are online ensuring men across Aotearoa New Zealand can be part of the Collective.

  • Accreditation to become a MHCA Facilitator is optional.

  • There are no ongoing commitments, or subscription costs.

What you can expect

Better relationships

The Program is your guide to understanding how you show up in your relationships – with your partner, with other men, and – most importantly – with yourself. We‘re here to empower you to reshape your interactions, engagements, and connections with others.


Empathy, vulnerability, and accountability make for a well-rounded man, and enable you to truly lead a fulfilling life. We’ll help you identify, understand, regulate, and express your emotions without the worry of judgement or exclusion.

Men who get it and who get you

Although it may often feel like it, you are not alone on this journey. Join us and discover a whole community of men who share your concerns, ambitions, and doubts. At the Collective, we create a space where open conversations and camaraderie thrive. Strengthen your communication skills, enhance your mindset, organise your life, and improve your overall well-being in the company of those who understand your struggle.


Design your own definition of manhood. Our Program is a collaborative endeavour built upon the commitment of becoming better individuals and, by extension, better men. We're dedicated to helping you align your personal growth with your passions and purpose. Because being a good man in the modern world is perhaps more about becoming an authentic and good human being.

Meet The Team

Our Leadership Team

Serafin Upton

Serafin Upton, MSW., MProfStuds., is a child and family therapist, and sex and relationship therapist working in the areas of intimate partner violence, intergenerational trauma, and neurodiversity. She also maintains an interest in children’s rights and child protection exploring child safeguarding in organisations and recently wrote a prototype summarising this work in collaboration with Te Amokura Consultants.Serafin values integrity, humility, and kindness.


Masters of Social Work
Masters of Professional Studies (International Relations and Human Rights)
Graduate Diploma (Psychology)
Graduate Certificate (Psychotherapy Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Film, Television, and Media Studies)

Kristopher Nielsen

Kristopher Nielsen, PhD., MSc., is a clinical psychologist working in the areas of concussion, psychological trauma, and general mental health. He also maintains a research program exploring underlying philosophical issues regarding mental disorder and its treatment, and recently published an academic book summarising this work.Outside of his work Kris has interests in traditional Irish music.Kris values honesty, clarity, curiosity, and kindness, and is excited to have a conversation about the often ignored topic of men’s mental health.


PhD. (Psychology)
MSc. (Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience)
PGDip. (Clinical Psychology)
B.A. (Philosophy and Psychology)

Sander Maximilian Leona Sollie

Sander M.L. Sollie, MSc ClinPsy, MSc HuSex is an internationally trained and recognised clinical psychologist and sexologist. Sander has been practicing in different countries for 10 years in both private and public healthcare and supervises other psychologists in their practice as well.Sander values a holistic, passionate and empowering approach to work and life.Sander has a therapy dog that joins his sessions whenever she can. Sander loves to go all out in physical fitness when he’s not at work.


MSc. Clinical Psychology
MSc. Human Sexuality Studies
BSc. Psychology

The Men’s Health Collective Aotearoa: Our motivation

Many men are exhausted, struggling, and feeling isolated, yet lack the tools to address these difficulties. One contributing factor to this is that society tends not to encourage men to take their own health needs seriously, or to form mutually supportive relationships. Despite this, many current conversations about gender tend to paint men and masculinity as inherently bad, disempowering men from making the changes necessary to better look after themselves and others.

We seek to have a positive conversation about masculinity. Through doing so, we seek to learn and grow to be better: friends, partners, fathers, brothers, leaders, and people.We believe that men are better when they connect with others, especially other good men. Many men want to make, keep, and deepen their friendships but aren’t sure how to do this without fear of shame, judgment, or awkwardness. Many men want to express care for themselves and others, and to be cared for in return, but aren’t given the tools to do so.Our programs are designed to give you food for thought into how you are showing up in your relationships, and to provide the tools you need to feel energised, more confident, and less guilty.We want men to feel secure in themselves, neither inferior or superior to any other human being. We invite you to join our community and explore ideas about what it takes to keep your life as a man fun, meaningful, relational, and fulfilling.

Contact us via email



We are not a group against men, or women, or folks who are gender diverse.Our guidelines, policies, procedures and practice aim to ensure substantive equality and participation, at all levels of the company and across the network, regardless of gender identity, age, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, religion, sexual orientation and/or professional background.We have no religious, political, spiritual, or corporate affiliations.We are free and unaffiliated.


The aim of the Collective is to build capacity and capability by growing male friendship to improve families, communities, and business.Accredited members of the collective who complete the Men’s Health Collective Flagship Program and the Men's Facilitation Program, can become a Men's Health Collective Aotearoa mentor and run groups under their own steam.Personal growth in the Collective is focused not only on establishing strong male friendships, but also on having each individual learn internal self-discipline so they can trust themselves intellectually and emotionally.We do not seek to control your mentoring, or take any commission of your profits.You can set up as a sole trader, you can work within an established organisation, to deliver mentoring in the workforce or to men in your local communities (as a MHCA Facilitator).All we ask is that you remain registered with us, attend annual updates and ensure that you do not alter, copy or change our resources and materials.

© 2023 Mens Health Collective | Site design by Anticode | © All artwork belongs to Craig McClure | craigmcclure.com | @magic.darts